Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Virtual Capture Cross-Sells

The Virtual Capture Cross-sells page in System Management (System Management > Origination > Virtual Capture > Virtual Capture Cross-Sells) enables administrators to manage the settings for each cross-sell available for Virtual Capture. This page displays a list of all active cross-sells configured in System Management > Origination > Cross-sell Products.

When a new cross-sell is added to System Management > Origination > Cross-sell Products, it is automatically added to the Virtual Capture Cross-sells page. By default, all active cross-sells are listed as available for Virtual Capture; however, administrators can use the Instances tab in the configuration window to determine the instances where each cross-sell is able to be pitched. For more information, please see the Instances section in this topic.

The grid in this page displays the following columns of information for each cross-sell product available for use in Virtual Capture:

Column Description
Name Displays the name of the cross-sell.
Type Displays Loan, Account Product, or Non-Loan to identify the type of cross-sell.

The  button within the top of the tab provides the ability to update a cross-sell product for use in Virtual Capture.

Cross-Sell Configuration

Cross-Sell Attributes

Selecting  opens the Cross-sell configuration window to update the cross-sell product for use in Virtual Capture. The following attributes are defined for each Virtual Capture Cross-sell:


The General tab provides administrators with the ability to update basic information for the cross-sell, such as the image and sales script presented for the cross-sell in the virtual application.

The attributes that display within this tab differ for loan/non-loan cross-sells, and account product cross-sells.

The following image displays how the Cross-sell configuration window appears for a Loan or Non-Loan Cross-sell :

When an Account Product cross-sell is selected, the Cross-sell configuration window appears as shown below: 

The following fields are displayed within the Cross-sell configuration window:

Field Description

Displays the name of the cross-sell as defined in System Management > Origination > Cross-sell Products.

The Cross-sell Name cannot be modified; therefore, this field is disabled in the Cross-sell configuration window.
Cross-sell Type

Displays the cross-sell type as defined in System Management > Origination > Cross-sell Products.

The Cross-sell Type cannot be modified; therefore, this field is disabled in the Cross-sell configuration window.
Include Term Select this check box to display a Term field within the Cross-sell Details window, which provides applicants with the ability to manually enter a length of time (in months) for the account product.
The Include Term check box is only available for account product cross-sell products.
Include Amount Select this check box to display an Amount field within the Cross-sell Details window, which provides applicants with the ability to manually enter the amount of money to deposited for the account product. 
The Include Amount check box is only available for account product cross-sell products.
Small Image

Click Browse... to locate and upload a small image (maximum 35 pixels by 35 pixels) to associate with the cross-sell. The small image appears within the Cross-sell panel when rendered in Virtual Capture.

To remove an image from a cross-sell product, select the Remove Image check box that appears within the Small Image section. Once this check box is selected, and the Cross-sell configuration window is saved, the image is no longer displayed for the cross-sell product in Virtual Capture.
When hovering over the cross-sell image, Virtual Capture indicates alternate text for each image, which is available to applicants using a screen reader. The alternate text for these images consists of following text concatenation: <Cross-sell Name> + "Logo."
Summary Script Enter an informational and appealing short value statement for the product to be used as a sales tool during cross-sell selection. The Summary Script appears within the Cross-sells panel that applicants use to select the cross-sell product for which they want to apply.
Sales Script Enter an informational and appealing value statement for the product to be used as a sales tool during cross-sell selection. The Sales Script appears within the Cross-sells panel details that applicants use to select the cross-sell product for which they want to apply.
If a sales script is not defined for the cross-sell within Virtual Capture, the Sales Script defined in System Management > Origination > Cross-sell Products is displayed within the Cross-sells panel during the virtual application process.


The Instances tab allows administrators to determine the instances of Virtual Capture where the cross-sell is to be available.  

Virtual Capture cross-sells can also be assigned to specific instances in the Cross-sells tab of Virtual Capture Settings. For more information, please see the Cross-Sells section of the Virtual Capture Settings topic in this guide.

This tab includes a two-box control with the following attributes:

Product Attribute Description
Available Instances

Displays a list of the Virtual Capture instances to which the cross-sell can be assigned. This list includes all instances configured in Virtual Capture Settings that do not use the Cross-Sell settings of another instance. 

When the Use Default Settings check box is selected within the Cross-Sells tab for an instance, the instance does not populate as an option to assign to a Virtual Capture Cross-Sell within this box.
Assigned Instances Displays a list of the instances where the cross-sell can be pitched in Virtual Capture. When an eligible applicant begins an application in an instance assigned within this box, the cross-sell can be offered to applicants through the Cross-sell panel during the virtual application process.

Editing a Cross-Sell

To modify a cross-sell for use in Virtual Capture:



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